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1984.01 - 1988.05 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学气象系,博士 1978.10 - 1982.07 北京大学地球物理系,理学学士
2021.04 - 至今 北京城市气象研究院,数值预报首席科学家 2020.09 - 2021.03 新加坡气象局气候研究中心天气研究所,所长 2018.12 - 2020.08 新加坡气象局气候研究中心天气室,主任 2014.08 - 2021.03 新加坡气象局气候研究中心,高级首席研究科学家 2007.12 - 2014.08 美国国家大气研究中心中尺度和微尺度气象学部,WRFDA首席科学家 2007.12 - 2012.04 美国国家大气研究中心数据同化试验台中心,中心主任 2005.07 - 2007.12 美国国家大气研究中心中尺度和微尺度气象学部,项目科学家III 2004.08 - 2005.07 美国国家大气研究中心中尺度和微尺度气象学部,客座科学家 1995.06 - 2004.08 丹麦气象局气象研究处数据同化组组长 1992.02 - 2007.07 丹麦气象局气象研究处高级科学家 1988.07 - 1992.01 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学气象系研究员 1985.07 - 1988.06 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学气象系助教
数据同化技术 观测系统 数值预报系统的初始化和噪声控制 数值方法 湿对流和云参数化
美国气象学会Kenneth D.Spengler奖(2020)
2020 - 2021 世界气象组织基础设施委员会应用地球系统建模和预测投影数据处理常设委员会委员 2018-至今 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 编辑委员会委员 2012 - 2020 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 编辑委员会委员 2012-至今 Tellus A. 咨询委员会委员 2003 - 2008 欧洲气象卫星应用组织 (EUMETSAT)第三代气象卫星任务组成员 2003 - 2004 欧洲 HIRLAM 资料同化负责人 2002 - 2009 欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF/SAC)科学指导委员会委员 1999 - 2004 欧洲地球物理协会/欧洲地理科学联盟大会 NWP分会 召集人 2002 - 2004 欧洲地球物理学会通讯和信息服务组,大气科学编辑 2002 - 2021 北京城市气象研究院 客座专家 1999 - 2003 水文和NWP模型中使用雷达观测(COST 717)的欧盟行动,丹麦代表 1999 - 2004 EUMETNET复合观测系统(EUCOS)科学顾问小组成员 1996 - 2002 北大西洋复合观测系统(SEG/COSNA)科学评估组成员 国际科学期刊审稿人: 《Tellus》, 《Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics》,《Monthly Weather Review》, 《Weather and Forecasting》,《Meteorological Applications》,《Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society》, 《Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology》,《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》, 《Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society》, 《Geophysical Research Letters》, 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》, 《Meteorologische Zeitschrift》, 《Physical Geography》, 《Atmosfera, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Science》, 《Solar Energy》
Lee JCK, Huang X-Y. 2022. Modelling the Background Error Covariance Matrix: Applicability Over the Maritime Continent. In: Park S.K., Xu L. (eds) Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. IV). Springer, Cham. 599-627. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-77722-7_23 Lee JCK, Dipankar A, Huang X-Y. 2021. On the sensitivity of the simulated diurnal cycle of precipitation to 3-hourly radiosonde assimilation: A case study over the western Maritime Continent. Mon. Wea. Rev., 149, 3449-3468. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0423.1 Dipankar A, Rajagopalan R, Huang X-Y. 2021. Understanding the Dependence of Storm Splitting on Numerical Models: Comparing UM and WRF. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 147, 2303-2322. doi:10.1002/qj.4025 Simon-Moral A, Dipankar A, Doan QV, Sanchez C, Roth M, Becker E, Huang X-Y. 2021. Urban intensification of convective rainfall over the Singapore - Johor Bahru urban region. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 147, 3665-3680. doi:10.1002/qj.4147 Doan QV, Dipankar A,Simon-Moral A, Sanchez C, Prasanna V, Roth M, Huang X-Y. 2021. Urban-induced modifications to the diurnal cycle of rainfall over a tropical city. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 147, 1189-1201. doi:10.1002/qj.3966 Thompson B, Sanchez C, Heng P, Kumar R, Liu J, Huang X-Y, Tkalich P. 2021. Development of a MetUM (v 11.1) – NEMO (v 3.6) coupled operational forecast model for the Maritime Continent: Part 1 - Evaluation of ocean forecasts. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1081–1100. doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1081-2021 Dipankar A, Webster S, Sun X, Sanchez C, North R, Furtado K, Wilkinson J, Lock A, Vosper S, Huang X-Y, Barker D. 2020. SINGV: a convective-scale weather forecast model for Singapore. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc.,146, 4131-4146. doi:10.1002/qj.3895 Heng BCP, Huang X-Y. 2020. Verification of SINGV-DA forecasts over Singapore (December 2018 to November 2019). MSS Research Letters, 5, 5-14. Lee JCK, Huang X-Y. 2020. Background error statistics in the tropics: Structures and impact in a convective-scale numerical weather prediction system. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 146, 2154-2173. doi:10.1002/qj.3785 Heng BCP, Tubbs R, Huang X-Y, Macpherson B, Barker DM, Boyd DFA, Kelly G, North R, Stewart L, Webster S, Wlasak, M. 2020. SINGV Data Assimilation System: Development and Operational Implementation. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 146, 1923-1938. doi:10.1002/qj.3774 Sun X, Huang X-Y, Gordon C, Mittermaier M, Becket R, Cheong WK, Barker DM, North R, Semple A. 2020. A subjective and objective evaluation of NWP forecasts of Sumatra Squall events. Weather and Forecasting, 35, 489-506. doi:10.1175/WAF-D-19-0187.1 Simon-Moral A, Dipankar A, Roth M, Sanchez C, Velasco E, Huang X-Y. 2020 Application of MORUSES single layer urban canopy model in a tropical city: results from Singapore. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 146, 576-597. doi:10.1002/qj.3694 Huang X-Y, Barker D, Webster S, Dipankar A, Lock A, Mittermaier M, Sun X, North R, Darvell R, Boyd D, Lo J, Liu J, Macpherson B, Heng P, Maycock A, Pitcher L, Tubbs B, McMillan M, Zhang S, Hagelin S, Porson A, Song G, Beckett B, Cheong WK, Semple A, Gordon C. 2019. SINGV - the Convective-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction System for Singapore. ASEAN J. Sci. Tech. Dev., 36(3), 81-90. doi:10.29037/ajstd.581 Dipankar A, Webster S, Huang X-Y, Doan QV. 2019. Understanding biases in simulating the diurnal cycle of convection over western coast of Sumatra: comparison with pre-YMC observation campaign. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 1615-1631. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0432.1 Thompson B, Sanchez C, Sun X, Song G, Liu J, Huang X-Y, Tkalich P. 2019. A High-resolution Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model for the Western Maritime Continent: Development and Preliminary Assessment. Clim. Dyn., Volume 52, Issue 7-8, 3951-3981, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4367-0 Skamarock WC, Klemp JB, Dudhia J, Gill DO, Liu Z, Berner J, Wang W, Powers JG, Duda MG, Barker M, Huang XY. 2019. A Description of the Advanced Research WRF Model Version 4. NCAR/TN-556+STR. doi:10.5065/1dfh-6p97. Lee J, Huang X-Y. 2019. Structure of the background error covariance matrix for SINGV. MSS Research Letters, 3, 25-36. Sun X, Becker E, Zhang S, Huang X-Y, Doan QV. 2018. Development of a Machine-Learning Nowcasting System at the Meteorological Service Singapore. MSS Research Letters, 2, 33-40. Chen Y, Wang J, Gao Y, Chen X, Wang H, Huang X-Y. 2018. Refinement of the Use of Inhomogeneous Background Error Covariance Estimated from Historical Forecast Error Samples and its Impact on Short-Term Regional Numerical Weather Prediction. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 96:5, 429-446, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2018-048 Ban J, Liu Z, Zhang X, Huang X-Y, Wang H. 2017. Precipitation data assimilation in WRFDA 4D-Var: implementation and application to convection-permitting forecasts over United States. Tellus A, 69:1, 1368310, doi:10.1080/16000870.2017.1368310 Peng W, Liang X, Zhang X, Huang X-Y, Lu B, Fu Q. 2017. Application of Physical Filter Initialization in 4DVar. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2201-2216, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0274.1 Yu H, Wang H, Meng Z, Mu M, Huang X-Y, Zhang X. 2017. Forecast Sensitivity to Initial Perturbation: Conditional Non-linear Optimal Perturbations vs. the First Singular Vector and Their Model Dependency. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 34(1), 187-206, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0183.1 Wang Y, Min J, Chen Y, Huang X-Y, Zeng M, Li X. 2017. Improving precipitation forecast with hybrid 3DVar and time-lagged ensembles in a heavy rainfall event. Atmospheric Research, 183, 1-16, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.07.026 Chen Y, Xia X, Min J, Rizvi SRH, Huang X-Y, Wang Y, Zhang R, Chen X. 2016. 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Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2015, Article ID 427616, 13 pages. doi:10.1155/2015/427616 Xu D, Auligne T, Huang X-Y. 2015. A validation of the multivariate and minimum residual method for cloud retrieval using radiance from multiple satellites. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32, 1-14. doi:10.1007/s00376-014-3258-5 Chiang C-H, Zhang X, Fong C-T, Huang X-Y. 2014 The preliminary assessment of Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation (4DVAR) performance at Central Weather Bureau. Meteorological Bulletin, 51(1), 55-80. Chen Y, Wang Y, Min J, Huang X-Y, Liu Z, Pan Y. 2014 A hybrid assimilation method with control variable perturbation and multi-physical parameterization. Trans. Atmos. Sci., 37(6), 732-739. doi:10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20130923007 Zhang X, Huang X-Y, Liu J, Poterjoy J, Weng Y, Zhang F, Wang H. 2014. Development of an efficient regional four-dimensional variational data assimilation system for WRF. J. Atmos. 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MSS-NUS-Urban-II - Role of urbanization on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over Singapore. Meteorological Service Singapore - National University Singapore joint project. 2018-2020. PI. MSS-NUS-Coupled-II - The use of a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model in weather and climate prediction. Meteorological Service Singapore - National University Singapore joint project. 2018-2020. PI. MSS-NUS-Urban-I - Assessing the impact of urbanization on key climate processes over Singapore. Meteorological Service Singapore - National University Singapore joint project. 2016-2018. PI. MSS-NUS-Coupled-I - The role of coupled atmosphere-ocean processes in determining the weather and climate of Singapore and the surrounding region. Meteorological Service Singapore - National University Singapore joint project. 2016-2018. PI. SINGV - Tropical convective-scale NWP and data assimilation in S.E. Asia. Meteorological Service Singapore - United Kingdom Met Office joint project. 2013-2018. PI since August 2014. UKMO - Tropical convective-scale NWP and data assimilation in S.E. Asia. NCAR - United Kingdom Met Office project. 2014. PI. PAC (AIRDAT-III) - Assimilating TAMDAR Observations Using the WRFDA System. NCAR - AIRDAT project. 2013-2014. PI. NRL - Development of assimilation strategies for MSG-SEVERI and GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 radiances. NCAR - NRL project. 2013-2014. PI. IUM - Radar data assimilation using WRFDA. NCAR - CMA/IUM project. 2012-2013. PI. AIRDAT-II - Assimilating TAMDAR Observations Using the WRFDA System. NCAR - AIRDAT project. 2010-2013. PI. AOD - Toward a coupled atmosphere-aerosol monitoring, analysis and prediction system at AFWA. NCAR - AFWA project. 2010-2014. Co-PI. ACAPS - AFWA Cloud Assimilation and Prediction System. NCAR - AFWA project. 2008-2014. PI. AIRDAT - Assimilating TAMDAR Observations Using the WRFDA System. NCAR - AIRDAT project. 2008-2009. PI. WRFDA - The WRF Data Assimilation system. The project has been primarily supported by AFWA. 2008-2014. PI. MTGIRS - Benefit of the MTG candidate Infra-Red Sounding mission to regional forecast. NCAR - EUMETSAT project. 2007-2008. PI. WRFDFI - An implementation of DFI to WRF. Collaboration project between KMA, BMB and UCAR. 2006. PI. BMBUCAR - Training, Research and Operational Implementation of WRF 3D-Var. Collaboration project between BMB and UCAR. 2005-2008. PI. MTGWVC - Potential of MTG to detect water vapour convergence linked to severe convection. NCAR - EUMETSAT project. 2004-2005. PI. TOUGH - Targeting Optimal Use of GPS Humidity data. EU project. 2003-2006. PI. ATLAF - ATOVS data assimilation for Limited Area Forecasting. EUMETSAT project. 2003-2006. PI. GODANS - GPS satellite Occultation Data Assimilation for Numerical weather prediction Systems. Danish Research Council project. 1998-2001. PI. MAGIC - Meteorological Applications of GPS Integrated water vapor measurements in the Western Mediterranean. EU project. 1998-2001. Danish PI. CLIMAP - CLImate and environment Monitoring with GPS Atmospheric Profiling. EU project. 1998-2000. Data Assimilation lead. CASE - Impact of an atmospheric profiling mission on NWP. ESA project. 1998-2000. Danish PI. HIRLAM - HIgh Resolution Limited-Area Modelling. International research project. Participating countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. 1985-. 4D-Var lead, 1995-2003; Data Assimilation lead, 2003-2004.
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